The Kingdom-work accomplished at Pineywoods is not possible without the efforts of many people, including the numerous volunteers that bless the camp through their service each year. Summer camp would not happen were it not for the volunteer sponsors and leaders that pray and prepare for camp, then care for and shepherd the thousands of children and youth who attend.
During the fall, winter, and spring months individuals and volunteer groups of all kinds contribute to the maintenance, beautification, and expansion of the facilities. Their involvement in construction projects is a vital part of the development of the camp. Below is a list of the groups who have served at Pineywoods over the past decade.

Campers on Mission (Region IV)
Church Work Groups
Pineywoods has concurrent projects going on year-round as well as the need for basic upkeep of the grounds. If you or your group would like to serve in a volunteer capacity, please contact us to plan the optimal time for you and the camp to work together for the glory of God ( philip@pineywoodscamp.com or 936.642.6968).
We sincerely thank all of our volunteers for their tireless efforts and immeasurable service at Pineywoods.