Session 4 Camp Date: June 26-29 (Thu-Sun)

Camp Cost: $300 per student & sponsor (The cost is split into two payments – deposit & balance. If approved, late registrations incur a $25 fee.)

Reservations: Open January 8 (Online group reservation & $75 per person non-refundable deposit required.)

EARLY BIRD Reservations: Open January 7 (For church preteen groups who attended a PowerPlus Preteen Camp in 2024. Instructions will be emailed to the designated group primary coordinator in the registration system. Online group reservation & $75 per person non-refundable deposit required.)

Registration Deadline: May 19 (Camp balance & online registrations required.)

Adult Requirements Deadline: June 2 (Pastor reference, background check consent, Child Protection Training & adult commitment form required for all adults going to camp. Links and instructions will be emailed to the primary coordinator on May 20th.)

1:10 Sponsor:Student Requirement

You must have one adult sponsor, age 18 or older, for every 10 students (each gender).

Steps to Register for Camp
(click each step to expand)

Session 4 is FULL (1/7/25 10AM).

1. Set up your accounts in the online registration system.

Before making church group reservations in January, you must ensure that TWO accounts are set up for your group in the registration system.

  1. Your personal registration account ( create  here )
  2. Your church group account ( submit church information here )
2. JANUARY 8TH (9AM): Church reservations open (online reservation AND deposit required)
  • Make your church group reservation online and pay the $75 per person non-refundable deposit online or by mail.
  • Upon receipt of the deposit payment, your church’s unique registration link will be emailed to you.
  • Give the link to adults going to camp and parents of boys & girls going to camp.
  • Parents register their kids age 17&under. All persons age 18&up register themselves.
  • Check your church roster/report to see who is registered. Expand step #3 below for instructions.

BOYS & GIRLS (age 17&under at the time of registration)  MUST BE REGISTERED BY THEIR PARENT.
(age 18&up at the time of registration) MUST REGISTER THEMSELVES.

Session 4 is FULL (1/7/25 10AM).

  • Camps are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Reservations MUST include the required adult sponsors in the total number. You cannot make reservations for boys & girls, then add sponsors later.
  • Church Reservations will be released if the $75 per person deposit is not received in our office within 7 days of the online reservation submission.
  • A camp session may fill up before we receive your payment. If you received the automated submission email, your reservation is included in the full camp and is secure provided we receive your deposit in 7 days.
  • The $75 deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable to the balance owed.
  • The $75 deposit is forfeited when a reservation is not filled or if a church cancels altogether.
3. MAY 19TH: Registration Deadline (camp balance AND online registrations required)
  • Use your church roster/report to ensure that everyone in your group is registered for camp (instructions below).
  • The $225 per student/sponsor balance must be received in the camp office on or before the deadline.

NOTE: Unused spots (unfilled reservations) EXPIRE at the registration deadline.

NOTE: Church registration is disabled at midnight on the registration deadline.

NOTE: Additions will be addressed AFTER the registration deadline.

NOTE: Mail or ship your check payment with a tracking number if you would like to know when it is delivered to us.
We apologize, but we are unable notify each church when a payment is received.

  • You will know the real-time status of your group’s registration using the church roster/report.
  • The church roster/report shows who is and who is not registered and other basic registration information.
  • After review by our office, the church roster/report will also state if registrations need corrections.
  • Church Roster/Report
    1. Open/click church registration link.
    2. Log in.
    3. Scroll down.
    4. Click Group Leader tab.
    5. Click yellow circle icon to access Church Roster/Report.

Need an invoice for payment?
Or want to pay the balance (plus a 3% fee) with a credit card?

Click here.
Note: Above link enabled April 18th.

4. JUNE 2ND: Adult Requirements Deadline (background check consent, child protection training, adult commitment form & pastor reference required)

Additional requirements for adults:

NEW IN 2025:
An adult attending camp with his/her church group can access and submit the additional requirements immediately upon registering for camp.

Steps for each adult:

  1. Register with the grade of “Sponsor.”
  2. Receive two emails: (1) Registration Confirmation email and (2) Requirements Step 1 email.
  3. Click link in Requirements Step 1 email to submit Background Check Consent.
  4. Upon submission of consent form, the confirmation screen contains the link for Step 2, as does the consent confirmation email.
  5. Click link for Step 2 to submit the Adult Commitment Form.
  6. Upon submission of the Adult Commitment Form, the confirmation screen contains the link for Step 3, as does the commitment form confirmation email.
  7. Click link for Step 3 to enroll in Child Protection Training.
  8. After enrolling in the course, the confirmation screen contains the link to the enrolled course, as does the consent confirmation email.
  9. Click the course link, then click the name of the course to complete the training and take the exam.

The adult requirements must be SUBMITTED by June 2nd.

NOTE: Confirm with the adults in your group that they have submitted/completed their items.
We apologize, but we are unable to inform group leaders when they are received.

After the deadline, church roster reports will be MANUALLY updated as submissions are processed and reviewed.

5. Keep Pineywoods updated with ALL registration changes.

Correct information is needed for camp preparations. Carefully review your church roster and EMAIL US regarding cancellations and replacements/substitutions.

Late registrations must be approved, incur a $25 fee, and are not guaranteed a camp shirt.

6. Distribute Medication Form to all adults and parents of kids who are bringing medications to camp.

ALL MEDICATION, whether belonging to adult sponsors, boys or girls, must be turned in to the Camp Medic and stored in the First Aid Station. A signed Medication Form must be included with medications brought to camp.

  • Each sponsor and student must put his/her medication(s) in a Ziploc bag with his/her name and church name on it.
  • Each sponsor and student must put a signed Medication Form in the Ziploc bag with his/her medications.
  • Do not bring pill boxes/organizers to camp.
  • Prescription medication must be in the original container with the prescription label.
  • Non-prescription medication must be in the original container.  This includes, but isn’t limited to, over-the-counter medications taken on a regular basis, vitamins, supplements, etc.
  • Refer to the  Medications page for medication rules and guidelines.
Registration Policy
  • Full payment AND online registration are required at the registration deadline.
  • Reservations and registration links EXPIRE at the registration deadline.  Unfilled reservations are automatically removed from your group.
  • Empty spots are not held for your group after the registration deadline.
  • Deposits are non-refundable  whether a reservation isn’t filled or a church chooses to cancel and not attend camp.
  • Deposits are transferable to a new registration, but not to the final payment.
Refund Schedule

NOTE: Refunds are mailed to the church after camp.

$225 – Refund if cancellation occurs on or before May 19th

$115 – Refund if cancellation occurs May 20th or after

PowerPlus Camps - Church Account Information
Provide the church's mailing address. DO NOT put the church's physical address (unless it is the same as the mailing address).
Provide the public phone number for your church.
*** NOTE: Only select "Both" if you are the leader for both the preteen and the youth groups at your church.
This address must be the same as your personal summer camp registration account.